Open Door Conversations

Ep 92: Elevating your Engagement Strategy

Episode Summary

This week, leadership and executive coach Akua Nyame Menasah wraps up her series of episodes dedicated to engagement, the second step in her three-step leadership framework. This is a helpful roundup and summary of six of her past episodes on engagement. Leadership is a habit, a routine that you need to cultivate intentionally. Being self-aware is the first step, then you must decide how to engage with your team. Be inspired and learn how to gain confidence and credibility, how to tell powerful stories that inspire, and so much more when you listen in! Enjoy the main points of each episode and then deep-dive into the episodes you need right now!

Episode Notes

This week, leadership and executive coach Akua Nyame Menasah wraps up her series of episodes dedicated to engagement, the second step in her three-step leadership framework. This is a helpful roundup and summary of six of her past episodes on engagement. 

Leadership is a habit, a routine that you need to cultivate intentionally. Being self-aware is the first step, then you must decide how to engage with your team. Be inspired and learn how to gain confidence and credibility, how to tell powerful stories that inspire, and so much more when you listen in!

Enjoy the main points of each episode and then deep-dive into the episodes you need right now! 

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Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:
Instagram: @akua_nm
LinkedIn: @akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
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