Open Door Conversations

Ep 61: How I Make Money as a Full-Time Certified Coach

Episode Summary

We're into the fourth quarter of 2022. Do you know where your finances are? If you're a coach or consultant, or just someone self-employed, It's important to check in annually - even quarterly - so you can assess what is working for you and, just as importantly, what isn't. That way, you can pivot your energy as necessary. In this episode, Akua Nyame-Mensah breaks down her finances in her own quarterly review to help shed some light on how she makes money as a self-employed certified leadership coach and to share her perspective while giving you ideas of offers to add to your portfolio. Listen in to learn how you can diversify your revenue streams and discover how to take your coaching beyond 1:1, which Akua loves, but recognizes it's not the only - or even the best - way to generate a living as a coach. You'll receive ideas on what to reflect on to make sure you're working towards your goals as a business coach and leader.

Episode Notes

We're into the fourth quarter of 2022. Do you know where your finances are? If you're a coach or consultant, or just someone self-employed, It's important to check in annually - even quarterly - so you can assess what is working for you and, just as importantly, what isn't. That way, you can pivot your energy as necessary.

In this episode, Akua Nyame-Mensah breaks down her finances in her own quarterly review to help shed some light on how she makes money as a self-employed certified leadership coach and to share her perspective while giving you ideas of offers to add to your portfolio. 

Listen in to learn how you can diversify your revenue streams and discover how to take your coaching beyond 1:1, which Akua loves, but recognizes it's not the only - or even the best - way to generate a living as a coach. You'll receive ideas on what to reflect on to make sure you're working towards your goals as a business coach and leader.

Highlights in this Episode: 

A note from Akua: Enjoy this podcast content and guests? Do you keep track of your budget, how you're making money, and where your money goes? I'd love to know! These are the kinds of conversations we will have in my new community and container. If you are an action-oriented and accomplished professional who is pivoting into service-based entrepreneurship and are ready to get out of theory and into practice, join my waitlist to cut through the noise and get to the money here:

Resources mentioned in this episode: 
Podcast Episode #20: Check in With Your Goals Now

Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:

Instagram: @akua_nm
LinkedIn: @Akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
Work with Akua
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