Open Door Conversations

Ep 52: The True Price of Losing an Employee (There are SEVEN costs)

Episode Summary

Employee retention is key to building a sustainable and scalable business. In this episode, Akua talks about what leaders, managers, and founders should look for in attrition rates and how to avoid high turnover. During this era of “the great resignation,” employees reflect on the type of work they do and often take advantage of better or more aligned opportunities. Subsequently, it is more important than ever that leaders focus on retention and on the workers that are already in the company rather than constantly recruiting new ones. Akua has personally experienced hiring and even firing hundreds of employees, and she is ready to share what she has learned and expose the seven true costs of losing an employee.

Episode Notes

Employee retention is key to building a sustainable and scalable business. In this episode, Akua talks about what leaders, managers, and founders should look for in attrition rates and how to avoid high turnover. 

During this era of “the great resignation,” employees reflect on the type of work they do and often take advantage of better or more aligned opportunities. Subsequently, it is more important than ever that leaders focus on retention and on the workers that are already in the company rather than constantly recruiting new ones. 

Akua has personally experienced hiring and even firing hundreds of employees, and she is ready to share what she has learned and expose the seven true costs of losing an employee. 

Highlights in this Episode:


Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:

Instagram: @akua_nm
LinkedIn: @Akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
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