Open Door Conversations

Ep 16: Meet Kenny, Serial Entrepreneur and Master Delegator

Episode Summary

Akua interviews serial entrepreneur Kenny Schumacher. Kenny has been starting businesses since college, where he studied accounting. For him, the thrill is all in the startup and the building of the company. He has founded many businesses and successfully sold 2 of them. He thrives in handling operations and building out teams to operate the business. It may sound crazy to many business owners, but Kenny tries to remove himself from the business he created as soon as he can. Many CEOs would say their business is their highest priority and that they can’t imagine things running without them. Akua asks Kenny to explain why he delegates so much, how he delegates effectively, and when he knows it’s time to move to the next project. 

Episode Notes

Akua interviews serial entrepreneur Kenny Schumacher. Kenny has been starting businesses since college, where he studied accounting. For him, the thrill is all in the startup and the building of the company. He has founded many businesses and successfully sold 2 of them. He thrives in handling operations and building out teams to operate the business.

It may sound crazy to many business owners, but Kenny tries to remove himself from the business he created as soon as he can. Many CEOs would say their business is their highest priority and that they can’t imagine things running without them. Akua asks Kenny to explain why he delegates so much, how he delegates effectively, and when he knows it’s time to move to the next project.  

Highlights from the episode:

Resources from the episode:

Connect with Kenny Schumacher:

LinkedIn: Kenny Schumacher

Twitter: ​​@KennySchuma

Connect with Akua Nyame-Mensah:

Instagram: @akua_nm
LinkedIn: @Akua Nyame-Mensah
Twitter: @akua_nm
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